For breakfast I eat up my vowels, my a e i o u, to which I add from consonants a fricative or two;
After that I move my bowels then write as poets do, and frequently am quite surprised to feel a trill come through.

Friday, 30 March 2012

One hundred poems, one hundred poets. #1

the thatch is rough
and my sleeves are wet
with tears
in a makeshift hut of straw
from the rice fields of autumn

Aki no ta no kario no io no toma o arami waga koromode wa tsuyu ni nure tsutsu

(Emperor Tenchi)

from autumn's rice field
a makeshift hut of straw
its thatch so rough 
the sleeves of my robe
are wet with tears

in autumn's rice fields
a makeshift hut for shelter
its thatch so coarse
the sleeves of my robe
are damp with dew

aki autumn
ta rice field, rice paddy, field
かりkari = harvested ears of rice
ho rice-sheaf or bundle
かりほ kari-ho = sheafs of the harvested rice/dried rice sheafs
Kario = temporary huts (of dried sheaf?)
toma rush matting/thatch
O = case particle (with adjective stem + suffix mi) = cause
あら ara = rough/coarse
-suffix mi, with case particle O = since, because
O ara-mi = since/because (the rush-mat/thatch is) rough/coarse
io, hut
--no  genitive post-particle
-Wa post-particle of nominative case, or separation of a phrase from the rest of a sentence.
わが waga = my, our
-wo post-particle of accusative case
Koromo garment; clothes; dressing
De hand
衣手 Koromode = sleeve
ぬれ nure = wet
つつ tsutsu = becoming, being, while;
tsuyu = dew, tears, expose,
ni = case particle (to, in, on, into, at)
Aki no ta no
autumn of rice fields of
Kariho no io no
Temporary hut of hut of
Toma o arami
Rush-mat/thatch rough because
Waga koromode wa
My sleeves
Tsuyu ni nure tsutsu
Dew/tears on wet becoming

Because the thatch/rush-mat of the makeshift/temporary hut in the rice field of autumn is rough, my sleeves are wet with dew/tears

Thursday, 1 March 2012

breadcrumbs floating
in the stillness of blue
the shoals
winter wardrobe
she chops enough wood
for a few days