For breakfast I eat up my vowels, my a e i o u, to which I add from consonants a fricative or two;
After that I move my bowels then write as poets do, and frequently am quite surprised to feel a trill come through.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Kampuchean kids

Kampuchean kids
harvesting pastoral dreams
migrate down the road
engraved by carpet-bombing
red carpet to the country

First published in Simply Haiku, Winter 2011:

A little bit of Turkish: köy (Village) -den (suffix meaning 'from')
Doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar.
Speak the truth, and be dismissed from nine villages.
-ye (suffix meaning 'to')
A'dan Z'ye (lit. A from Z to)
From A to Z.


  1. This one is very heavy, makes my heart ache. The road engraved by carpet bombing really gets me in the gut.

  2. Thank you for your comment anon - it is certainly a difficult subject and not one I would normally tackle in this form - but I think the contrast between subject and form has in this instance made it all the more affective.
