For breakfast I eat up my vowels, my a e i o u, to which I add from consonants a fricative or two;
After that I move my bowels then write as poets do, and frequently am quite surprised to feel a trill come through.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

I count honeybees

I count honeybees
the curves of snails and seashells
pine cones and cacti
as numbers turn to spirals
I dervish dance the silence

First published in Simply Haiku, Winter 2011:

A little bit of Turkish: Derviş (Dervish)
Dervişin fikri neyse zikri de odur.
Whatever the dervish thinks, he mentions.
(fikir, -kri = thought, idea, opinion, mind; zikir, -kri = 1.mention; 2. devil worship ceremony).


  1. You have a rare talent, dear boy. I shall mediate upon Counting honeybees with Jay tonight.

    Blessings, Aisselle

  2. My Dear Aisselle! - How lovely to see you here. I am delighted that you have found time in your busy schedule - what with goats and readings and keeping up your blog - to pay me a visit and leave a comment, it means a lot to me, thank you.
