A little bit of Turkish: Iyi (Good, Fine, Well) Olmak (to be)
The latin suit of cups may be related to the french suit of hearts, and thus the nine of cups to the nine of hearts, known as the wish card in cartomancy.
Iyi diyelim iyi olalım
"Wish well, be well." May be related to ideas of affirmation, positive thinking.
lit. Let's say well (good, fine) and be well. Used as a response to the enquiry 'nasılsınız?' ('how are you?') and akin to the English response 'mustn't grumble'.
The image of the Nine of Cups above is from a 1910 pack of tarot cards produced by Pamela Colman Smith for Arthur Edward Waite. For a modern reproduction I recommend the Pamela Colman Smith Commemorative Set
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